Sometimes you don't have to go to the expense of filing a lawsuit against someone who has done you wrong in order to resolve the problem. Lawsuits not only are costly, but they are time consuming, sometimes taking years to obtain a final resolution following appeals.
Mediation can be a less expensive, less time consuming, and more satisfactory alternative was to resolve almost any kind of dispute. We proudly offer mediation services for your convenience. We stand ready at all times to consult with you about this alternative dispute resolution solution to your problem.
Often there are many alternative means of obtaining your goal other than filing a lawsuit. We can consult with you, help your crystallize your goal, determine whether there are any alternative means of achieving that goal, discuss the pros and cons of each of those alternative means, and represent you in discussions with opponents or otherwise implement the alternative means of resolving the dispute.
Our law firm is fully qualified to conduct formal, or informal mediation whenever your need it.
Our hours for mediation are flexible, and the location of mediation is flexible.
If you want, or need, to try to resolve the dispute before going to the expense of filing a lawsuite, contact us to see how we can help.